New mains distribution systems added for summer festival season

dBS Solutions have just taken delivery of our newest items to hire stock. A number of large format mains distribution systems to work along side our current stock with 125A three phase incoming supplies and several single and three phase outlets with MCBs & variable time and current earth leakage across all three phase outlets individually.

mains distribution unit

“We identified a need in our stock during the end of last years outdoor season for a large format power distribution system that could provide for the more complex systems we supply whilst providing individual fault isolation” said dBS Solutions Director Chris Bogg.  With this system all outputs are individually RCD protected so if a lighting circuit or guitar amp trips an RCD, the rest of the system will remain active. further more the system allows you to provide two levels of protection. a 30ma RCD on a distro further down the line and one on this system with some discrepancy to ensure that all faults are isolated according to their severity.  These units built to dBS Solutions specifications by KES represent a compact, light weight solution to the companies power needs.

These systems come with keyed isolation of earth leakage and full metering ready to go this summer. Call the office to see how we can help with your power requirements.

