dBS Solutions had the pleasure of supplying a distributed audio system for the Knotty Ash funny man Mr Ken Dodd. Together with his Diddy Men, Ken took to the stage in front of a sell out crowd at Warrington’s Parr Hall last Thursday and thanks to dBS Solutions, Ken had scores of discerning fans eating out of the palm of his hand.
The system designed by dBS proprietor Chris Bogg, who also mixed the event and installed by dBS regular system tech, Graeme Ramsdale, consisted of SLS920s left and right both upstairs and down, augmented by Ohm Moon speakers as circle delay, and BR6 enclosures as front fill and under balcony fills. The system was extended with the addition of an Ohm Moon sub system and trs 112 wedges on stage.
Chris explains “both the Parr Hall and Ken Dodd in particular, have been difficult nuts to crack in the past due to the halls natural reverb time. The key is a well designed distributed audio system. We use digital processing to time a line the system perfectly, ensuring that all of the audience area receives natural vocal reproduction.” Mr Dodds style allows for the odd throw away punch line and this is often lost in a large crowd, however this was minimised due to careful microphone selection and time spent listening to the system earlier in the day.
The evening drew to a close around 12.50, leaving a very satisfied audience, with a sea of tickling sticks and smiles to the final chords of Dodds theme tune Happiness.
If you missed the show, Ken will be touring throughout 2008