Joanne Shaw Taylor

dBS Solutions were pleased to be providing audio for Joanne Shaw Taylor’s Manchester show as part of her Uk tour last week in the beautiful Bridgewater Hall.

Joanne is a british blues rock guitarist and singer from Wednesday in the black country and described as ‘the new face of the blues’ by the british music publication Blues Matters!  Taylor boasts two awards in 2010 and 2011 for best female vocalist at the Britsh Blues Awards plus song writer of the year award for ‘same as it never was’ from Diamonds in the Dirt.

Our team worked with those at the Hall and the bands management to provide a Martin Audio front of house system to supplement the venues Meyer arrays, a stage monitor package and a Digico console on stage.  The bands touring engineer Rik Elliss was touring a console for out front, so we provided a Yamaha QL1 for support acts along with our mics package to suite both acts.

Rik was pleased to see we had brought a Martin Audio W8LM system with WS218x subs for the occasion, which did a great job of the stalls level in this difficult room.  Thanks to the team at the Hall, along with system tech Damian Breeze.