dBS Solutions Jump into new lighting install

Over the last month our install team have been busy working on a project to redesign the effects lighting & sound system at one of the UK’s leading trampoline parks.  Back in the summer of 2019 Jump Xtreme contacted us for a chat about their existing lighting system. The park had been open around four years and the existing system was in need of a service.

We met on site over in Bolton to see how we could help.

The existing lighting system consisted of some great fixtures but they had been installed before the trampolines went in so access to these was almost impossible during a working week. They had been powered since the first day of opening even when not operating so were in need of some TLC.

dBS Solutions advised that we look to service the existing kit, but also suggested a new system to ensure that the lighting can be accessed and maintained. Even the most advanced lighting fixtures need to be cleaned and tested regularly.

Our team designed a new lighting and trussing system featuring Chauvet LED moving lights, Global Truss and a custom designed winch system to allow for the lowering of the whole structure to ground level for cleaning and service.

The current climate with COVID 19 had given the venue a perfect time to install scaffolding access throughout to enable us to clean and service all the existing fixtures and measure up for the winch systems. From commissioning to sign off, our team had just four weeks to complete the project. Drawing on all our suppliers to deliver in time during this pandemic was a challenge especially with the custom structural and engineering components, however our staff and suppliers worked tirelessly to ensure the project was ready.

We installed new sub speakers and speaker processing to compliment the existing PA       system, serviced and tested every element of the existing system ready for opening day.

Finally once installed, our lighting designer and programmer Adam Nichols spent two days on site programming an array of looks and effects into the Chamsys lighting system. We programmed using a MQ 100 Pro in the middle of the arena before relocating the show file onto a custom build touch screen PC in the office. This system was programmed to display the Chamsys execute page, so the “Jump” staff have full control of a limitless light show from a simple user interface.

To add the finishing touches we also had the Jump Xtreme logos laser cut as gobos into the Chauvet Rogue R1x spots to ensure the        new lighting was right on brand. Jump Xtreme said “dBS carried out the works on time and to budget, dealing with the inevitable slight changes along the way very professionally and we are delighted with the end result.”

A big thanks goes to our team of Matt Chisholm, Conar O’Brian and Adam Nichols along with our suppliers. If you have a leisure business in need of a service, or a redesign do get in touch to see how we can help.