dBS Solutions was asked to supply full production for the Cheshire & Warrington Schools games back in July supplying staging, power, video screens and equipment, audio and lighting for the event.
This years games was held at the Orford Jubilee hub and saw schools from all over Cheshire compete in a full range of disciplines. The events spanned both indoors and out with the events main hub being out on the field where the stage and screen where cited showing scores and photos of the day along with the twitter feed of the event.
As the area was so large dBS Solutions audio engineers Chris Bogg and Danny Clare deployed our Martin audio W8LM line array system in an array hung from our 6M PA towers. This design ensured that important announcements about the events and scores reached all corners of the sporting field of play. dBS Solutions screen and video engineers where on site throughout the day ensuring that up to the minute scores and media of the indoor events could be scene venue wide. The system did a great job and the sun shone giving our crew the first glimpse of a sun tan this year.
For assistance in planing your next sporting event with audio, power, AV and scoreboard technology please give the office a call to chat with Chris Bogg.